Monday 23 March 2009

Artists in Sussex

I've just launched a new publication for all involved in the visual arts in Sussex (East & West) It will be an annual publication (with website) allowing artists and related trades to showcase their work throughout the year. It's perfect for painters, potters, printmakers, jewellers, sculptors, photographers etc as well as art shops, printers, framers and the like. Its a bit like the kind of publication that is popular during open house events but it covers a much wider area and lasts all year. It will be available at Tourist Information Centres, specially selected hotels, restaurants and shops as well as a number of arts venues.

A single enrty for an artist is just £95.00 which allows contact details, an image and up to 30 words of text. Advertising for related trades starts at £150.00

Contact me for details. 01323 643727

Saturday 21 March 2009

Eastbourne Festival

I've just received copies of the main Eastbourne Festival that I've been working on for the past month or so. It covers not only the artists open houses that were so popular during the first Festival last year, but a wide range of other events. The festival runs from April 11th - 26th and there are events in a range of categories - Music, literature, comedy and poetry are all featured and it promises to be an exciting two weeks.

Artwatchguide 2009/10

I've had the pleasure to be involved with Sophie Mason for the past 3 years producing this annual guide to Museums and Galleries in Hastings & Rother. This is the biggest and best so far! This current edition runs to 44 pages and also covers cafes, restaurants and select accommodation providers. There are many elements to success with a project like this and one of the most important is distribution. Sophie has a fantastic distribution system running through the year which relies on the assistance of a professional distribution company and regular 'topping up' usually undertaken by Sophie herself! I am involved primarily in the look and feel of the guide and I think this is a great publication and am proud to be involved with it.